
Saturday, 30 November 2013

Parsing Json array objects in windowsphone c#


HTTP-based Web services frequently use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) messages to return data back to the client. JSON objects can easily be instantiated in JavaScript, without parsing logic, which makes it a convenient format for messages in Web applications.You may get solve this problem using JObject class or any third party,its is not a best solution to use third party.So i come up with my best option is "parsing json using DataContractJsonSerializer".How it is most important concept in wpf,so now i tried this in wp7.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Customizing Default RadioButton and CheckBoxes with our images in WindowsPhone C#

Generally it is not possible to set default radiobuttons and checkbox border , pressed state colors in windows phone using xaml,So we need to override the template of both radiobutton & checkboxes grid template.And so we may need to make customizable controls in some requirement with respect of our images.And it is best practice for if client want to know control pressed state with proper image background selection. And for our requirement, expression blend is best suitable tool for customizing radio button s as well as checkboxes and off course it is very flexible for generating customizable xaml of our app UI.
1)This sample is targeted on  windows phone 7.1
2)Here I am using expression blend 2012 which is comes under wp8 sdk.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Customizing default listbox horizontal scrollviewer in WindowPhone C#


Generally it is not possible to showing default listbox scrollviewer in windows phone,it will be showing only if user scroll the listbox item.And so we may need to make customizable scrollbar in some requirement.And it is best practice for user want to how many items will presented in long horizontal list. And for our requiremnt, expression blend is best suitable tool for customizing listbox and off cource it is very flexible for henerating customizable xaml of our app UI.
1)Sample is targeted on  windows phone 7.1
2)Here I am using expression blend 2012 which is comes under wp8 sdk.

Latest Twitter integration in windows phone 8 c#


I am trying to integrate the Twitter app in Windows Phone 8 app. I have downloaded the tweetsharp package from the Nuget but I am not able to get the Twitterservice method named GetRequestToken.Because of  recentlyTwitter API 1.0 was retired  and Twitter  API 1.1 is available now. So I tried many ways which I got in my search ,finnaly got boring and stop doing.Recently i had come with good solutions "Posting tweets using hammock" instead of using tweetsharp.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Download Image file using WebClient with progress bar status in windowsphone c#.


Recently lot of queries has been asked regarding to large image file downloading with progress bar from webservice.In general there is a chance of requirement in windows phone  is need to set progressbar status when image getting from xaml feed or web service responce.Beacuse it will take some time to get our image from the web service and loaded completly.And so from the user point of view it make sense to showing progress bar status or loader for image until it gets loaded completly.However finally i had come up with my best solution with progress bar.