
Friday, 22 August 2014

WindowsPhone :Get X and Y coordinates of user tap/touch relative to screen(C#-XAML)


This article is explained about "how to get the X Y coordinates of a touch/tap on a touchscreen device powered by WindowsPhone".And we are very lucky,there are tons of guides on how to add a touch handle to a specific screen windows,but I would like to take advantage of "Touch.FrameReported" event is defined in the namespace "System.Windows.Input" and the event occurs when a touch message is sent from the UI.

Note:Manipulation events are the recommended way to handle user input. Unless you have a specific need, you should avoid using mouse events in your Silverlight applications for Windows Phone for performance and hardware compatibility reasons. Instead, you should use manipulation events.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

WindowsPhone 8.1 Optical Character Recognition(OCR) Library :Read Text from Images (C#-XAML)


Wow! the most wanted library is now supported for windowsphone 8.1.lot of developers waiting for this library,And finally it was released by Microsoft in last "Preview Program".Optical Character Recognition(OCR) library is helpful to read text from images and returns the text and layout information . 
OCR library features:
  • Ability to recognize patterns (Ex: email,phone,URI's) from Image text
  • Launching Above patterns(Ex:Making Phone Call,Sending Mail,Visit Website)
OCR Limitations:
  • Image dimension should be  >= 40*40 pixels and <= 2600*2600 pixels
  • Image text lines must have written in same orientations and same directions.Fortunately OCR can able to correct rotation up to ±40 degrees.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

WindowsPhone Dev centre:Wow! now most of app "Publishers" can respond to app customers reviews in windowphone store:


How it is sweet to listen?and i am very happy to share this info to my blog visitors.Microsoft again one step forward is now most of developers/publishers can respond to reviews of our WindowsPhone apps directly from Dev Center. And this feature appeared in the Google Play Store last year and has been highly popular with developers, so it's good to see it coming to Microsoft's app stores as well. So far the main concern is to help you maintain closer contact with users to inform them of new features, bugs you’ve addressed, as well as get feedback and ideas to improve your app.
More Windows Phone developers are now able to respond to comments and reviews from customers in the Windows Phone Store. Since April, certain developers had the ability to answer inquiries related to a specific app. The rollout of this feature has been taking place slowly, with more developers supported each month, and is now proceeding at a quicker pace.

Windows Phone 8 Battery API:Retreiving the Remaining time of device battery c#


The Battery class is available from "Windows.Phone.Devices.Power" namespace which includes the property "RemainingDischargeTime" which is a read only property that gets the time left for the windows phone device battery to be fully discharged.Get the access to the Battery instance with the Battery.GetDefault() and then use the property RemainingDischargeTime to retreive the time left.The Battery API makes a nice addition to the WP8 SDK.I can see in the near future that some applications will display the battery metrics on a Live Tile or in the application that hides the System Tray.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

WindowsPhone 8.1 Update (GDR 1) SDK:New Updates & More Emulators for Developers :)


Finally the day is arrived and good news for developers is "now windowsphone 8.1 update(GDR1) sdk is available for development".Microsoft published new sdk on this August(i.e "8/1/2014") in "Preview for Developers" program.So this new sdk will be makes developer can able to use few new latest features with respect to existing wp8.1 sdk.I want to be post those latest new features in next article of my blog.However in this post i am going to explained about  "How to install new sdk?" and "How to get new sdk GDR1 emulators?"

Monday, 4 August 2014

WindowsPhone 8 SQLite: How to Store Data in DataBase for Beginners Tutorial(C#-XAML)


In our daily development,some times we may need to store data and access it for later use.So as developer choice we need to decide "which way is best to store data?" and this decision making would be change based on amount of data to be store.However windowsphone is very good at this case . Because windowsphone is provided following ways to store  our application data.