
Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Windows Phone 8.1 : Microsoft Band SDK Preview Released


The Microsoft Band SDK Preview gives developers access to the sensors available on the Band, the ability to create tiles on the Band and send notifications to these tiles for their applications. Microsoft released it’s first SDK preview for developers. Using the SDK you will now be able to build app for iPhone, Android and Windows Phone integrating Microsoft Band features.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

WindowsPhone: Working with exisitng SQLite database (C#-Xaml)


Recently i got some few question from our blog visitors,as they want to work with already existing sqlite database file.So their requirement is they need to import existing database file to windowsphone application and then performing all Sqlite CRUID(Create,Read,Update,Insert,delete) operations.Ok lets assume from previous article we are adding some contacts into 'ContactsManager.sqlite' file like below:

WindowsPhone 8.1 : Generate QR code with ZXing library (C#-Xaml)


In WindowsPhone 8.1,The ZXing.Net( library provides the IBarcodeWriter interface defined in the ZXing namespace which lets you to generate the barcode. The developers can also define the format of the barcode via the 'Format' property of the BarcodeWriter. The Write method of the BarcodeWriter is used to define the string to be encoded for the barcode.
Note:ZXing.Net library is also available for previous windowsphone os versions(8.0/7.1/7.0)