
Wednesday, 31 December 2014

WindowsPhone Store 8.1 : FaceBook Integration Sample (C#-Xaml)


In previous article i was explained the concept of facebook login support for windowsphone 8.0,Now this article will show you how to easily integrate Facebook to your Windows Phone Store 8.1 application.
This topic contains the following sections:
  • Installation of Facebook SDK
  • Linking App with facebook.
  • Work with Facebook Login Page.
  • Post status message on FaceBook Wall.
  • Logout from Facebook Page.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

WindowsPhone : Working with ListBox Items having Hyperlinks (C#-Xaml)


Sometimes we may need to detect hyperlinks from given message.For example I have a Listbox which is binding with multiple message items,but here problem is when user sent hyperlinks to listboxitem message ,then we need to detect hyperlinks from message content and provide action for hyperlink to navigate to linked page.So this post is explained about "How to work with ListboxItems having hyperlinks?". At present this post may not be useful for you,but i am sure it will definitely helpful for you in future :)

Thursday, 4 December 2014

WindowsPhone 8.1: Action Center Sample,Beginners level (C#-Xaml).


A highly requested Notification Center feature is now available in WindowsPhone 8.1, Action Center will allow you to quickly access the settings pages like Airplane mode, Wi-Fi Settings, Bluetooth settings etc. This will also report you about alerts, non-toast notifications, update histories etc. Action Center is available via a swipe down from the top of your device, even from the lock screen.This is probably one of the longest article in my blog :) .

Fortunately a developer can access 'Action Center' like following variety of ways. 
  • Sending a local toast notification to action center with popup .
  • Sending a toast notification directly to action center, without showing a popup.
  • Remove a notification from the Action Center.
  • Update a notification from the Action Center.

Friday, 28 November 2014

WindowsPhone 8.1: Now UniversalWrapPanel is an alternative for WrapPanel(C#-XAML)


Still i am really addicted for 'WrapPanel'.Because WrapPanel is great for laying out things in a vertical or horizontal orientation until you reach the edge of the container and then moving on to the next column or row.But unfortunately i found 'WrapPanal' is no longer supported by windows store apps(i.e Universal Apps).Yestereday i found 'UniversalWrapPanel' is an alternative for 'WrapPanel'  layout .And i am heartly says very thanks to @gregstoll for making UniversalWrapPanel.However in this post i am going to explain about UniversalWrapPanel.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

WindowsPhone: Image crop with rectangle ,Beginners Tutorials (C#-XAML)


Especially for photo apps,we may need to crop the image with rectangle which is little bit difficult to implement through the code.However i will explained very clearly in this post with help of WriteableBitmap .

Monday, 24 November 2014

WindowsPhone: Drag and Drop the control within parent layout, beginners tutorials (C#-Xaml)


Some times we may need to drag and drop the specific control around the screen.So it may chance to control will be not visible if drag & drop meets out of screen boundaries.However we can easily resolve this issue using "built-in Windows Phone behaviors" (In our sample we are using 'Motion behaviors' ,i.e MouseDragElementBehavior).

Friday, 21 November 2014

WindowsPhone: Write Text on Image (C#-XAML)


Recently one of my blog follower was requested for a sample as 'he want to write text on image with MouseMove event'.For this question my previous article is enough but not efficient.Because there i was set text on image at static (x,y) co-ordinates with help of WriteableBitmap. In this sample we need to write text on dynamic (x,y) co-ordinates and so i thought 'WriteableBitmapEx' library is best match for this requirement.Because this library adds more extensions to WriteableBitmap,there by we can do direct manipulation of a bitmap and could be used to generate fast procedural images by drawing directly to a bitmap. 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

WindowsPhone 8.1: Wow! now its very simple to make Navigation Drawer in Phone(C#-XAML)


Yes i am really happy now.Because now very nice built-in 'DrawerLayout' library is available from 'Nuget'.And i am really says very thanks to 'amarmesic' for providing this layout.Before in 8.0, we need to write lot of code to make 'Navigation Drawer'.But now we can make it with very few steps.Any way for my kudos visitors, i will be discuss it in this post.

Monday, 17 November 2014

WindowsPhone : Making nice custom loader/rotator with related text (C#-XAML)


I already posted this kind of article here.And it is very nice example for making custom loader.However we need to provide some kind of progress/loaders until user data is loaded.And it is good practices user should knowing about his data is still loading from web.In previous article i introduce loader without related text.But now I thought It's better to showing related text with loader,So user can get an idea about for which date he is waiting so far..

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

WindowsPhone: How to programmatically set TextBlock Foreground color with HexColor /Color Codes (C#-XAML)


Hi Guys,HAPPY DIWALI TO YOU AND TO ALL YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS...!As a long time i wrote my previous article .Now i am back to write my next article ,Ok all right!
In this article i want share a simple tip for "How to programmatically set TextBlock Foreground color with Hex Color(Ex:#5490CC) in WindowsPhone "

Friday, 22 August 2014

WindowsPhone :Get X and Y coordinates of user tap/touch relative to screen(C#-XAML)


This article is explained about "how to get the X Y coordinates of a touch/tap on a touchscreen device powered by WindowsPhone".And we are very lucky,there are tons of guides on how to add a touch handle to a specific screen windows,but I would like to take advantage of "Touch.FrameReported" event is defined in the namespace "System.Windows.Input" and the event occurs when a touch message is sent from the UI.

Note:Manipulation events are the recommended way to handle user input. Unless you have a specific need, you should avoid using mouse events in your Silverlight applications for Windows Phone for performance and hardware compatibility reasons. Instead, you should use manipulation events.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

WindowsPhone 8.1 Optical Character Recognition(OCR) Library :Read Text from Images (C#-XAML)


Wow! the most wanted library is now supported for windowsphone 8.1.lot of developers waiting for this library,And finally it was released by Microsoft in last "Preview Program".Optical Character Recognition(OCR) library is helpful to read text from images and returns the text and layout information . 
OCR library features:
  • Ability to recognize patterns (Ex: email,phone,URI's) from Image text
  • Launching Above patterns(Ex:Making Phone Call,Sending Mail,Visit Website)
OCR Limitations:
  • Image dimension should be  >= 40*40 pixels and <= 2600*2600 pixels
  • Image text lines must have written in same orientations and same directions.Fortunately OCR can able to correct rotation up to ±40 degrees.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

WindowsPhone Dev centre:Wow! now most of app "Publishers" can respond to app customers reviews in windowphone store:


How it is sweet to listen?and i am very happy to share this info to my blog visitors.Microsoft again one step forward is now most of developers/publishers can respond to reviews of our WindowsPhone apps directly from Dev Center. And this feature appeared in the Google Play Store last year and has been highly popular with developers, so it's good to see it coming to Microsoft's app stores as well. So far the main concern is to help you maintain closer contact with users to inform them of new features, bugs you’ve addressed, as well as get feedback and ideas to improve your app.
More Windows Phone developers are now able to respond to comments and reviews from customers in the Windows Phone Store. Since April, certain developers had the ability to answer inquiries related to a specific app. The rollout of this feature has been taking place slowly, with more developers supported each month, and is now proceeding at a quicker pace.

Windows Phone 8 Battery API:Retreiving the Remaining time of device battery c#


The Battery class is available from "Windows.Phone.Devices.Power" namespace which includes the property "RemainingDischargeTime" which is a read only property that gets the time left for the windows phone device battery to be fully discharged.Get the access to the Battery instance with the Battery.GetDefault() and then use the property RemainingDischargeTime to retreive the time left.The Battery API makes a nice addition to the WP8 SDK.I can see in the near future that some applications will display the battery metrics on a Live Tile or in the application that hides the System Tray.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

WindowsPhone 8.1 Update (GDR 1) SDK:New Updates & More Emulators for Developers :)


Finally the day is arrived and good news for developers is "now windowsphone 8.1 update(GDR1) sdk is available for development".Microsoft published new sdk on this August(i.e "8/1/2014") in "Preview for Developers" program.So this new sdk will be makes developer can able to use few new latest features with respect to existing wp8.1 sdk.I want to be post those latest new features in next article of my blog.However in this post i am going to explained about  "How to install new sdk?" and "How to get new sdk GDR1 emulators?"

Monday, 4 August 2014

WindowsPhone 8 SQLite: How to Store Data in DataBase for Beginners Tutorial(C#-XAML)


In our daily development,some times we may need to store data and access it for later use.So as developer choice we need to decide "which way is best to store data?" and this decision making would be change based on amount of data to be store.However windowsphone is very good at this case . Because windowsphone is provided following ways to store  our application data.

Friday, 18 July 2014

WP8.0 vs WP8.1 :All about new package.appxmanifest file at beginners level


I believe you may already known about new windowsphone 8.1 sdk that is now old windowsphone 8.0 "WMAppManifest.xml" file is renamed to "Package.appxmanifest" which is very similar to the Windows Store apps . Package.appxmanifest is xml file that included all info of our application such as targeted app OS version,App display name,App icons,capability permissions to run app,Start page to be App launch..etc .And every app package must have one package manifest file and off-course by default it is created by Visual Studio 2013 when you create new app. Ok lets see below image to understand how many new tabs are added in new package manifest file.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

WindowsPhone: Get the controls which are visible with in the screen bounds(C#-XAML)


This post is explained about "How to get child items in windowsphone " as well "How to get the controls which are visible with in the screen bounds?".

Friday, 11 July 2014

Windows App Development Tips:Top Basics for Beginners (C#-XAML)

This post is only for knowing about tips which is helpful in our daily development ,some times basic tips will be very silly,but if you don't know about them,then those makes may be one day or much time to learn them .And it is very very important thing is to knowing some useful tips ,which are helpful to boost up our development without wastage of our valuable time.I thought this post is going to much useful for blog visitors.So i just add the new tip when i got it in my development.Stay tuned up-coming tips by book mark this post. 

WindowsPhone 8.0 vs WindowsPhone 8.1: Alternative way to get screen resolutions(C#-XAML)


There may be many cases ,in which you need to supply higher quality images that should be fit into current device screen resolutions and its makes nice attractions for app users. Fortunately windowsphone is very good at detecting screen resolutions.However previously in windowsphone 8.0,to determine screen resolutions we are using the "App.Current.Host.Content.ScaleFactor" .But now its not working in windowsphone 8.1,So this post is explained about what is the alternative way for detecting screen resolutions in windowsphone store 8.1.

Friday, 4 July 2014

WindowsPhone 8.0 vs WindowsPhone 8.1:Now HttpClient is alternative for WebCleint(C#-XAML)


Previously in windowsphone 8.0 ,to request webservcie we are using "WebClient " class which is available from "System.Net" namespace.And now "Webclient" is no longer available for windowsphone store 8.1.So what is alternative for "WebClient" is "HttpClient" class which is avaialable from "Windows.Web.Http or System.Net.Http" name space's.
Note:HttpWebRequest is still available for both windowsphone store 8.1 & silverlight windowsphone

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

WindowsPhone 8.0 vs WindowsPhone 8.1:New ways for detecting Page Orientations on Phone(C#-XAML)


It is very important that your app looks good and functions perfectly in all orientations .And it is the best way to attract app users,fortunately windows phone can provide best strategies for making our app in all orientations ,but in some times we may need to  detect page orientations(portrait up, portrait down, landscape left, landscape right) and dynamically change the our UI design.However previously in windowsphone 8.0 we are detecting page orientations with help of 'OrientationChanged' event,but  in windowsphone store 8.1 this event is directly no longer available,so this post is explained about 'What are the alternative ways for detecting page orientation in wp8.1".In addition this post is explained about "SimpleOrientation" sensor class and how it is useful for detecting page orientations in windows phone store 8.1.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

WindowsPhone ListBox Search: HightLight the search result text with specific color(C#-XAML)


In prev post i was explained about get child items in windowsphone,this post is explained about "How to filter/search the listbox items based on text entered in SearchTextBox?" & "How to highlight the search text color in every mapped listbox items?".Oh apart from these two questions ,for the first question there is lot of resources are available to do that,in other hand second question is very interesting requirement and it is little bit complicated to dynamically highlight listbox items text color  which is mapped by text entered in SearchTextBox . Because indirectly it is the way of communication between SearchTextBox & ListBox DataTemplate controls,so we need to get child items of listbox datatemplate and then dynamically format the child items text color with " Run " object element.However this post will gives you simple solution for above both two questions.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

WindowsPhone 8.0: Importance of Exclude & Include commands in Solution Explorer for Beginners (C#-XAML)


Have you ever use two commands "Exclude & Include" in your Solution Explorer?.if yes good,these two commands having most importance.Because when we developing a big app,in solution explorer there may be  some waste of files/images which are not useful at present,but in future these are may be useful.In this case we can temporarily remove un-useful item from the project using Exclude command.And in future when it needs we can add that item using Include command.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

WindowsPhone 8.0 vs WindowsPhone 8.1:New DatePicker&TimePicker features(C#-XAML)


In WindowsPhone 8.0 datepicker & timepicker controls are indireclty available from  Windows PhoneToolkit .But fortunately now both controls are direclty vailable from windows phone 8.1 sdk toolbox,so now no need for extra toolkit references ,as well as other paid controls.This post is explained about following new key properties, events,main features.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

WindowsPhone 8 Custom URI Scheme:Launching other own apps from your app (C#-XAML)


It is very easy to launch another app with your app with help of "Custom URI Scheme" concept.So it is way of promoting one app with other apps.However this post is explained about 
1)How to make custom uri scheme.
2)How to communication other own installed apps with your app.
3)How to send files between two apps

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

WindowsPhone Facebook Integration:How to post message/image to FaceBook Fan Page(C#-XAML)


Now its time to a requirement is "How to post message/image to Facebook Fan Page from windows phone".Actually there is lot of resources is available for posting message on facebook profile wall page.But for posting message on facebook fan page,there is no resources available.However we will talk with this post.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

WindowsPhone 8.1 LightSensor :Now the great "LightSensor" class is available for phone (C#-XAML)


Again the great start of windowphone 8.1 is now "LightSensor" class available for developers.LightSensor returns the ambient-light reading as a LUX value.An ambient light sensor is one of several types of environmental sensors that allow apps to respond to changes in the user's environment.So You can use the ambient light sensor to detect changes in lighting with an app written in C#.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

WindowsPhone HttpWebRequest vs WebClient:Post JSON data to WebService Beginners Tutorial(C#-XAML)


What is webservice?

Web services allow different applications from different sources to communicate with each other without time-consuming custom coding, and because all communication is in XML, Web services are not tied to any one operating system or programming language.

For example, Java can talk with Perl, Windows applications can talk with UNIX applications.and it is way of integrating Web-based applications using the XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI open standards over an Internet protocol backbone

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Windows Phone Development vs Android Development Tutorial for Beginners


Smartphones are a recent phenomenon and weren't always this popular. Prior to the Android vs. iPhone vs. WindowsPhone debate,and as a developer we can't imagine which mobile platform will be hero in future ,and so mobile application developer it is best practices to know about other mobile platforms (android,iphone,windowsphone,blackberry..etc) 

However if you have been developing android apps and are interested in building apps for windows phone and also vice versa .this post is for you.And so lets start comparison between android vs windows phone development

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

WindowsPhone TilePanel: Repeating(Tiling) image background(C#-XAML)

Sometimes we may need to make repeat single image(ex.21x20) across the windows phone background.It is very simple process and also may be useful requirement for you in future.Because it is good way for providing nice background in a page.lets understand the sample

Sunday, 4 May 2014

WindowsPhone Store 8.1 vs WindowsPhone 8: TextBox control having "Header" and "PlaceholderText" Properties(C#-XAML)


The TextBox control in Windows Phone 8.1 SDK supports setting Header text. You can also modify the header template to place explicit content and/or design it as per your need. This was asked by many developers to provide in the default control, as some third party libraries already provide this feature.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

WindowsPhone Store 8.1 vs WindowsPhone 8: Launchers and Choosers(C#-XAML)


Windows Phone store 8.1 introduces an important change in the Windows Phone developer ecosystem. In this release, Windows Phone converges with the Windows Store apps platform into a single developer platform that runs the same types of apps i.e Windows Runtime apps.There is lot of changes included between windowsphone 8.0 and windowsphone store 8.1 .Like windowsPhone 8.0 there is no Launchers and Choosers  available  in  windowsphone store 8.1 ,as well as namespace "Microsoft.Phone.Tasks" is no longer available in store 8.1 OS.

Monday, 28 April 2014

WindowsPhone KeyBoard: Prevent page screen scrolling up when soft keyboard is opened(C#-XAML)

​Generally in windows phone when TextBox is focus soft-keyboard will be open ,but here problem is by default page screen to shift upwards when keyboard opened and again shift previous position when user closed the keyboard by tap on screen.Actually this question is raised at MSDN WindowsPhone Development Forums.Even  lot of times this question is raised by developers and however more resource's available for solving this issue. 
   Requirement :Page UI having header,body and footer. In page UI there is a TextBox  just above the footer. When user focus on this TextBox the page header is going to invisible.But user doesn't want to page header shift upwards when keyboard is opened

Note: This Sample is targeted on WindowsPhone 7.1

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

WindowsPhone 8.1 App Deployment :How to deploy .appx file with Application Development Tool


In prev post i was explained about creating new project on windows phone 8.1 sdk.During development you typically deploy and run your app from Visual Studio. Optionally, you can also use the stand-alone Application Deployment tool to deploy your app to the emulator or to a registered device.Often when you write a Windows Phone  application you do not want to give users the full source code. In such cases it is possible to share only the build file and deploy it to a device or emulator. You can accomplish this using the Windows Phone Application Deployment tool that comes with the RTM version of Windows Phone Developer Tools.

Friday, 18 April 2014

WindowsPhone 8.1 SDK: First Sample for Beginner's Tutorial(C#-XAML)


Windows Phone 8.1 introduces an important change in the Windows Phone developer ecosystem. In this release, Windows Phone converges with the Windows Store apps platform into a single developer platform that runs the same types of apps i.e Windows Runtime apps.So that please read this post before going to read about this article.
However in this post ,learn how to create a new project, and explore the windows phone 8.1  sdk development environment.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Awesome Windows Phone 8.1 Jump Start is coming!

I’m pleased to announce that the registration page is now up for this year’s Windows Phone Jump Start!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

WindowsPhone 8.1 SDK Blue: Emulator is superb with amazing features for developers


Last week at BUILD, Microsoft announced the availability of Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC, which includes the new Windows Phone 8.1 SDK.I am very impressive with windows phone 8.1 emulator features which will going to explain in this post

Friday, 11 April 2014

WindowsPhone 8 LongListSelector: Scrollable List Items With Fixed Header's(C#-XAML)


Its very interesting requirement is "Making Fixed header visibility until its items scrollable and it will be stick to top when another header items touch and scroll top up. Because from the user perspective it is best practices for showing header until its items scrollable and it make-sense good thought.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Windows Phone 8 MapView Control :How To Get Map Bounds(Top-Left and Bottom-Right) GeoCoordinate's(C#-XAML)


In Prev post i was described about MapView Custom Pushpin.And in sometimes we may need to get map bounds area (North,West,South,East) with latitude and longitude's ,off course its quit interesting requirement for finding current loaded mapview bounds.Because for every view action ,map bounds will be changed. So that we need to detect bounds when viewchanged.
However in this post i am going to explain about "Maps bounding rectangle in windows phone 8" or "How to get Top-Left and Bottom-Right latitude and longitude of Current Map view"

Friday, 4 April 2014

How to Solve issues of Internet not working with Windows Phone 8 emulator.


If you are facing issues while connecting Internet with Windows Phone 8 emulator during deployment process and getting error message like “Windows Phone emulator was not able to connect to Windows Phone operating system.Phone didn’t respond to connect request” or on opening IE(Internet Explorer) of Windows Phone emulator, getting message “We can’t connect to search right now. Make sure airplane mode is turned off, or check your cellular data or Wi-Fi connection” even you system is connected with Internet connection.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Windows Phone 8 Maps API :Making Custom PushPin With Custom ToolTip Without WP8 toolkit PushPin Control(C# - XAML)


The most interesting news for developers is that also the Maps control has been updated and it introduced many improvements: first of all, performance improvements. Bing Maps control wasn’t good in this and, especially if you tried to add layers or pushpin, you could have experienced really poor performances.
Second, the new control now offers lot of new options: you can enable 3D landmarks, you can switch between day and night colors, you can change the heading and the pitch, you can easily calculate routes and so on.
However in this post i am going to explain about "How to add custom pushpin to MapView" and "How to show a custom tooltip for tapped pushpin"

Thursday, 27 March 2014

WindowsPhone 8: Crop Image Area with Different Shapes using Clip Property And Image selection with Crop Using PhotoChooserTask(C#-XAML)


In this post i am going to explain about "How to crop a portion of image area with Clip Property in windows phone" (and)"How to crop  album image selection area with PhotoChosserTask".Guys its quit interesting concepts,and i hope this sample will be definitely helpful for you in future windows phone  apps

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Windows Phone ImageMergings: Merging Image with Text/Multiple Images(C#-XAML)


Hi guys! its quit very interesting concept for me is "Merging multiple image on single image control in windows phone" or "Merging image with text" .However in this post i am going to explain how can we achieve these two Requirements in our windows phone app with c#

Monday, 24 March 2014

Window Phone 8 Development Guide: Tutorials/Resource for Beginners (C#-XAML)

The Windows Phone 8 platform is still relatively new, and as of writing this there are no books, or training courses,  written for the platform – although there are a number of books that are planned for release mid 2013. If you’re new to the Windows Phone 8 platform it can be extremely difficult to find learning resources. In this article I will share some great learning resources that helped me get my foot on the ladder!
Microsoft Dev Center
The Microsoft Dev Center should be your first port of call for any new developer interested in developing on the WP8 platform. There’s lots of advice and designer/developer guidelines to get you started.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

WindowsPhone ImageTools:Working with Animated Gif Images(C#-Xaml)


In some times,we may need to working with animated Gif images,which format images are not direclty supported by Silverlight nor Windows Phone: if you try to download and display a GIF image inside an Image control you’ll get an exception.So that in this post i am going to explain how to bind and working with animated GIF images in windows phone

Note:Static GIF images are naively supported by windows phone 8 image control.So that procedure described in this post is only for animated GIF's   

WindowsPhone 8 Resource File:How to Bind Image From Resource File(C#-XAML)


It is best practices, we may need to xaml directly bind the image from resource file instead of rewriting code from c#.however i am going to introduce how can we bind image from resource file in windows phone . 

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Windows Phone Ink Support:signature capturing and save to media library with image format in c#


Recently I heard about one interesting requirement is "user signing on the screen and it need to be store that signature into media library when user capture it  and also show it again in image control ",and its quietly similar to we are signing signature after taking the post from postman,so we may need to implement this one in device

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Windows Phone 8.1 Expected New Features c#

Microsoft recently sent out invitations to developers for initial testing of the new Windows Phone 8.1 update and its Software Development Kit (SDK). A few of the features have leaked through screenshots shared by developers.
Windows Phone 8.1

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

UI Design Guidelines for Windows Phone 8

1- Elements Alignment and Margins

- All pages should respect the 12px or 24px margin on the left.
- Content, titles, headers, and header logos should be left aligned to 12px or 24px margin.
- If right alignment is required, the right edge margin will be also 12px or 24px.
           dps-ux-bar        dps-ux-bar_1

Monday, 10 March 2014

Not Enough Memory Error Message: Windows 8 Phone Emulator Not Starting in Windows 8.1


The Windows Phone 8 Emulator does not start on a computer that is running Windows 8.1 and that has fewer than 8 gigabytes (GB) of RAM if many programs are running at the same time. Additionally, you receive the following error message:

"The Windows Phone Emulator wasn't able to ensure the virtual machine was running:
Something happened while starting a virtual machine: 'Emulator Name' could not initialize. (Virtual machine ID GUID)
Not enough memory in the system to start the virtual machine Emulator Name with ram size 1024 megabytes. (Virtual machine ID GUID)"

Running the Windows Phone Emulator on Windows 8.1 Preview

With Windows 8.1 Preview now available, we would like to highlight a compatibility issue with the Windows Phone Emulator included in the Windows Phone SDK 8.0. When you start the Windows Phone 8.0 emulator in Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 8.1, the following dialog may appear to indicate a compatibility issue:

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Now Direct Facebook Login Support available With Windows Phone 8 C#


Facebook Login provides a fast and secure sign up experience across web, iOS, and Android apps. However, Microsoft is adding official support for Facebook Login in Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 appsin partnership with Facebook. Facebook Login for Windows 8 is ready to use in production apps, while Windows Phone 8 support is being launched in beta.
So that as a developer part,Not only does Facebook Login reduce the amount of code you need to write for your app to log in to Facebook, it also improves the user experience by not requiring the user to log in again if they are already logged in to the Facebook app.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Top Windows Phone interview questions c# - Part2


 In previous article  i was posted the nearly 67 interview question about windows phone and Because it is good practice for knowing generic questions about which is related to windows phone development.However in this post i am going to introduce most of questions related to windows phone.So that lets continue with part-1 post questions

Thursday, 27 February 2014

How to display the photo of a contact from Windows Phone C#


In some time we may need to get phone contact list images and then display in our images.So that we need to know about Contact object,which contains all available information about an individual contact.However it is a process of create a new bitmap image, set its source to GetPicture, and then display the bitmap in the user interface with reference to Contact object.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Formatted text in a TextBlock in Windows Phone C#

You can also display a series of strings in a TextBlock, where each string has a different formatting. You can do this by using a Run element to display each string with its formatting and by separating each Run element with a LineBreak element.
The following XAML shows how to define several differently formatted text strings in a TextBlock by using Run objects separated with a LineBreak.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Top Windows Phone interview questions c# - Part1

                 Windows Phone Basic Questions
1. LifeCycle Of WindowsPhone:
  App Launching=>Running=> OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs)=>deactivated=>dormanent (stopped and no processing takes place)=>tombstoned(app has been terminated and it will be relaunched and the application can use the preserved data to restore state) =>Activated=> OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs) =>Closing=>raised when the user navigates backwards past the first page of an app

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Coding4Fun:SuperImage Bindind Listbox with more Captured Images without out-of-memory -Part 2


In Previous Part1 article we can resolve memory issue with listbox images,but unfortunate there is an issue In Listpage.xaml ,Because listbox Ui loads little bit slow when there are more caprtured images.The reason is in MainPage i was storing whole caprured imagesbytes in isolated storage and readed it on Listpage.xaml,it is little bit more complex for loading UI when reading whole captrured  imagebytes.
So that in this part i am going to introduce best solution is,Direclty reference the isostore image path instead of storing and reading whole image bytes using Coding4Fun Toolkit: Introducing SuperImage .

Monday, 27 January 2014

Windows Phone 8 Listbox Images out of memory exception c# - Part1


Images are the best attraction for every mobile app.But Users have high expectations when it comes to using applications on their mobile devices. It is important to have good performance and quality in your applications and there are a number of things you can do to deliver great performance.So as s developer it is more quit difficult to overcome out of memory exception,however I’ll list a few that apply to memory, images, data binding and more.and i hope i will definately helpful for who are having same problem.

Monday, 6 January 2014

How to store ListBox items into IsolatedStorage in WindowsPhone 8 c#


In every mobile app,there is requirement for storing data and accessing data. We need to store data in our Phones to persist data when the application is not running.However fortunatley Windows Phone 7 &windows phone 8 provides a secure way to store data into Isolated Store.Isolated Storage, as the name suggests is a special virtualized file system that every application can access for standard IO operations yet the file is unavailable to any other application. Hence the files stored by one application is isolated from another.