
Thursday 31 December 2015

Goodbye 2015 & Welcome to New Year 2016 : Blog review in past year

Every year this moment of time comes when we have to say ‘bye.. bye..’ to the current year and welcome to the New Year. 

Let’s say goodbye to oldies but good things will be remain with us.It’s seems to be all old days are not good and not bad as well but tomorrow could be good better than previous .So welcome it with full of gusto and have ultimate fun. Don’t bring your 2015 issues into 2016 have a new mind set to do new things for the New Year. Goodbye 2015 & Welcome to New Year 2016.

Really thanks to all my friends, family members, blog visitors and other known/unknown persons with whom I am connected indirectly.Thank you everyone for everything that you gave in my life and the help that you provided lot of encouragement to wrote articles in my blog.

The year 2015 was great favor for me and my real blogging is started from this year. I wrote a no. of articles on my blogMicrosot Technet Blog,MSDN code sample gallery, and  C# corner.Keeping myself busy with my office work as well as with my blog.Thanks for all your support and feedback to my articles.And finally the year 2015 was ended with love, happiness and all your support.  

Let's have a look at our blog reviews in past years.

 C# Corner Awards:
  1. C# Corner MVP Award (2014-15)
  2. December 2014 Month Winner
  3. November 2014 Month Winner
   1. Total blog downloads: more than 49,700+ views
   2. Total PageViews: 279500+
   1. Total pageviews: more than 1,383,095+ views
MSDN Profile:
   1. Total Points: more than 21000+ points
Twitter Profile:
Top 10 feedbacks from twitter since last year.

The year 2015 is over, we learn many things in 2015 and let us learn more things in this new year 2016 and deliver our best to work. Every end is just a new beginning. Keep your spirits and determination unshaken and you shall always walk the glory road. With courage, faith and efforts you shall conquer everything you desire.Counting my blessings, wishing you more. Hope you enjoy the New Year in store.Have a joyous New Year, my dear friends.

Have a nice day by  :)

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