Google 2020 | SubramanyamRaju Xamarin & Windows App Dev Tutorials

Sunday 4 October 2020

How to auto-capitalize keyboard/entry in xamarin forms


The Keyboard class also has a Create factory method that can be used to customize a keyboard by specifying capitalization, spellcheck, and suggestion behavior

Thursday 30 April 2020

Resolved: ScrollTo not working with grouped ListView in Xamarin.Forms


Sometimes ListView contains a grouped ItemsSource represented by a custom model class, and we may need to scroll to first item programatically.

Thursday 23 April 2020

How to get a keyboard start capital letter in Entry in xamarin.Forms (C# - Xaml)


The Entry control defines a Keyboard property that allows an app to select the virtual keyboard that is displayed for the control. For example, a keyboard for entering a phone number should be different from a keyboard for entering an email address.

Monday 13 April 2020



Android considers accessing device location to be a secure permission, which typically requires the user to grant their permission to access the resource. The user may revoke this permission at any time. This means that a run time permission request should be performed prior to location permission.

Friday 13 March 2020

Xamarin.Forms: How to identify website link broken or not reachable in Webview (C# - Xaml)

We know that WebView is a view for displaying web and HTML content in your app. Due to security, sometimes website links will not work with outside network, so we need to identify it to show custom dialog to user. 

Thursday 5 March 2020

Xamarin.Forms: how to prevent to open specific Url links from WebView (C# - Xaml)

We know that WebView is a view for displaying web and HTML content in your app. Due to security, sometimes we may need to restrict to open specific urls in our app. 

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Xamarin.Forms Resolved: Cleartext HTTP traffic not permitted in Android

Starting with Android 9 (API level 28) cleartext(non-HTTPS) support is disabled by default? It is always recommended to make connections over HTTPS to ensure that any web communication is secure. This policy may have an impact on your development cycle if your app needs to download an image or file on a server hasn’t been configured for HTTPS.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Xamarin.Forms Custom Renderer: Borderless Entry (C# - Xaml)

In this article, we can learn how to create entry without border using custom renderer

In Xamarin.Forms, there is no way to set border less properties to Entry in Xaml. Alternately we have to use custom renderers in platform specific projects like below
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